Swedish massage therapy is probably one of the more relaxing and therapeutic massage techniques. This full body massage is done in a private room and is designed to be the ultimate in relaxation and stress relief with more focus on the back, neck, shoulders and legs.
Deep Tissue
Deep Tissue
Deep Tissue massages have similar strokes to the Swedish massage but the pressure is longer, firmer and focus on areas of pain and tension. The therapist manipulates muscles that are below the surface of the top muscles and the connective tissues. “Against grain” strokes are used to break fiber adhesion, oxygenize the muscles and get rid of toxins.
Full Body Massage
Full Body Massage
This is a Treatment that has been around since the beginning of all Massage. We will focus on your full body. A lot of stretching to improve movement and flexibility. If you have never tried this type of Massage you are in for a treat.